Top 10 Mistakes You Should Avoid on Your profile Image

Are you worried about your matchmaking profile not getting enough responses? The problem might be the way you have presented your profile. If you are serious about finding your true love,

here are the top ten mistakes you should avoid while writing your matchmaking profile.

  1. Wrong Headline: It is the first thing someone notices on your profile. Hence, you need to be careful while choosing a headline. Try to provide a catchy headline so that it attracts people towards knowing you.

  2. Incomplete Profile: Many people make the mistake of not filling up their profile completely. If you do the same mistake, chances are higher that people won’t be interested much in you.

  3. Not Uploading Enough Photos: When it comes to online matchmaking, people want to see what you look like. Hence, you need to upload enough good pictures of yourself for people to see.

  4. Generic Content: Your profile is the key to explaining how you live to people out there. Hence, avoid writing generic content about yourself such as “I’m a great person” and try to be as specific as possible.

  5. Being Too Picky: While being specific, it’s also essential not to be too picky about the person you want. It may sound negative to a lot of people.

  6. Excessive Content: You should be precise while describing yourself on the profile. Too much writing can make your profile too boring to read.

  7. Neglecting Security: You shouldn’t neglect security while creating your profile. To stay safe, avoid putting any personal information such as your home address and contact number that anyone can read.

  8. Backdated Profile: To make your profile look great, you need to update it frequently. Throughout the process of choosing the right match, you are going to be changing as a person. Accordingly, update your profile so that it reflects on the matchmaking site as well.

  9. No Formatting: While writing your profile, you need to use some form of formatting. The first thing to avoid is huge paragraphs with long run-on sentences. Make the proper use of punctuation while writing your profile.

  10. Not Being Funny: Too much seriousness may distract many people on a matchmaking site. Hence, you should try using your sense of humour while writing your profile.


If you avoid the above ten mistakes while writing your profile, you’ll surely find your true match soon. So, go ahead and make the most of it!