Terms of Service

Welcome to Family Couple’s terms and conditions of use. Please take a few moments to read these terms before enjoying our services. Because once you use our portal, you will be bound to these terms.  The terms and conditions will be modified by our team from time to time. Your membership and rights of admissions will be reserved with us.

  1. Acceptance of Agreement
    To use our portal, you need to register as a member and agree to our Terms of Use.
    By registering, you voluntarily submit your information either as a free member or a paid member.
    If you want to promote your profile in our portal, you need to read our Terms and Conditions.
    If you want to discontinue our service, you need to delete your account on our portal.
  2. Eligibility
    To become a member of our site, you need to be legally competent and of legal marriageable age (18 years or over for females and 21 years or over for males).
    By using our portal, you guarantee that you have the right, consent, authority and eligibility to enter this agreement.
  3. Security
    The confidentiality of your login credentials should be maintained by you and therefore, you need to take all the responsibility for activities that may occur from your account.
    By noticing any disclosure or unauthorized use of your account, you need to inform us immediately.
  4. Termination
    This agreement will be valid till you keep your account on our portal.
    Due to any reason, you can choose to terminate your membership from our portal.
    We can terminate your membership if it doesn’t follow our terms and conditions.
  5. Non-Commercial Use
    By registering with us, you need to confirm that you are not using your account for commercial purposes.
  6. Proprietary Rights
    FamilyCouple owns and retains all proprietary rights in this portal and its services. This portal contains materials, trademarks and every other component that are copyrighted.
    Only the member profiles are not copyrighted since that information and documents are the properties of our users. Any act that copies, modifies or sells our copyright will be considered as a violation of this Agreement and the termination of membership.
    We can take legal action against those members who infringe our copyright.
  7. Content Evaluation
    The content posted by our members is evaluated by our team of experts. If some profiles fail to pass our evaluation, those will be warned.
    Any member copying other members’ images or information without permission will be warned or even terminated from our portal.
  8. Copyright Policy
    You cannot copy or reuse any of our copyrighted properties. If our team identifies such actions, we might take legal steps against those members.
  9. Member Disputes
    You are solely responsible for your communications with other members of our portal. Any dispute between two members should be monitored by themselves only.
  10. Privacy
    To protect your privacy, our site and services are governed by strict privacy policy.
  11. Disclaimers
    If you subscribe to our services, your account will be automatically renewed for additional periods of the same duration.
    Unless you cancel your subscription, the team of Family Couple will search for your perfect match.
    Any paid membership amount will be non-refundable.
    In case of any dispute between you and your use, these should be submitted to binding and final arbitration.

If you have any queries or problems to be solved related to your account, please contact customer support